Drug Possession
A conviction for almost any Wall Township drug offense has the potential to impact your future. Even the most basic of marijuana cases triggers a mandatory license suspension of at least 6 months. The consequences only get worse when a controlled dangerous substance (“CDS”) like heroin, cocaine and MDMA (a.k.a. Molly) are involved, or where the charge involves allegations of selling or distributing. At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, we are highly knowledgeable in all drug related offenses and possess over 100 years of collective experience representing individuals in Wall Municipal Court and at the Superior Court. Many of our attorneys have also served in the opposite role as prosecutors with Mr. Marshall even filling in for Wall in years past. We can help you mount an effective defense to any drug/cds violation in Wall NJ and are ready to assist you in a free initial consultation by contacting our office now at 732-449-2292.

Drug Possession or Distribution in Wall NJ
Unless you have a valid prescription, it is illegal to possess any form of CDS. This prohibition includes not only street drugs but also pain pills and other medication where you lack a valid legal basis for having them on your person, in your car, house, apartment or other location under your control. If you were arrested for possession of drugs in Wall in any context, hiring a knowledgeable lawyer is extremely important. The attorneys at our firm are highly experienced in defending just about any variety of cds offense including:
- Possession of Marijuana
- Distribution of Drugs
- Heroin
- MDMA (e.g. Ecstasy, Molly, etc.)
- Prescription Drugs
- School Zone & Public Park Charges
- Cocaine
Other than a summons or complaint alleging possession of 50 grams or less of marijuana or drug paraphernalia, all of these drugs trigger indictable criminal charges of the fourth degree, third degree, second degree or first degree. What this means is that you are facing a felony CDS offense that can only be dealt with at the Monmouth County Superior Court. It also translates into the potential for penalties that include a prison term of 10-20 years for a first degree, 5-10 years for a second degree, 3-5 years for a third degree, and 18 months for a fourth degree. A mandatory driver’s license suspension of 6-24 months also applies in the event of conviction for any CDS related charge.
Qualified CDS Defense Lawyers in Wall
It is too frequently the case that a defendant contacts us after they have already appeared for questioning or is otherwise unfavorably deep into a drug/cds case. In order to insure that you are adequately protected, the best time to act is immediately up suspicion that you are a target of the police. Our attorneys can provide not only a buffer but also experienced guidance at every step to insure that your rights are fully preserved. A lawyer at our Wall criminal defense firm is available around the clock to assist you and initial consultations are without charge. We can be reached immediately at 732-449-2292.